Tuesday, June 14


Today was a beautiful day with the birds. We went on a field trip to The Alton. The Alton is a senior memory home, and Cooper and Milo's great-grandmother lives there. It was our first time visiting, but we hope to continue to visit every week. The residents and children were both benefiting greatly from the experience. We are so proud and happy with our kids for being so kind, thoughtful, and social with the "grandparents".

The birds sang songs, performed tricks, read books, and shook hands. Many residents were smitten with baby Mae and not-so-baby Kaj, who loved clapping hands and shaking walkers to make everyone laugh. Little Oscar was extra sweet and cuddled in on a grandmas lap. Olive, Luna, and Wren were great about shaking hands and showing off the books we brought with. They also sang extra loud and cheerfully. They are making plans for next week, when we will go dressed in costume and do a parade...

We hope this is the start of wonderful relationships, a Tuesday rhythm, and encourages compassion and generosity in community service for our birds. We only have to take 2 city buses (someday we will have a 3LB bus!), and with Claire's help, transferring isn't too bad. The kids are really learning all the field trip rules, and we were SO PROUD of them today for walking with partners, and entering and exciting the bus flawlessly.

Breakfast: cornbread with honey, Cedar Summit milk
Snack: wheat and seed pita chips, whole milk mozzarella cheese
Lunch: soy hot dogs, whole wheat tortillas, black beans, Vruit juice, water

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