Sunday, April 17


.at the last minute we decided to host a spring nest class for all our families. we had this wool from a visit to a sheep farm, and i love this little nest project.

even more, i love our 3LB families. intentional family. chosen community. each time i gather photos and sort through them to post a blog, i feel in love and sentimental about our little birds. tonight, as i gather and sort to post pics from this family event, i feel the same. in love and sentimental. i am proud of this group that has formed, and the ways they come together and build relationships. i am excited about the future and times we will gather and share in each others lives. most importantly, i love the biggest way our lives are joined--by our children. it is so obvious in these photos. the children are important. their grown-ups are turned to them...helping, caring, guiding, talking. while little eyes watch and hands reach and learn. the kids are so treasured by the adults around them. but simultaneously, the grown-ups are busy working and creating. sharing time and conversation together. modeling to our children what community and friendship mean. what human connection is.

and how awesome for these kids to be able to have a saturday morning with their friends and parents. to be making and creating with their hands. and at their school. in their special space. to be able to share these moments with their moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends...friends who have become like siblings to them. they are a little bird family.

it was really just a sweet, peaceful morning. it might sound cheesy, but its true. we are so lucky, blessed and honored to be a part of this community. truly.


  1. Thank you for such a great spring activity!

  2. we had so much fun! thanks for a lovely morning!
